Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Captain is not on the Bridge!

The group takes the airship journey back to Surnoth to the temple of bones. They marvel at the great progress of the work to the complex over the four years they were away. The bone wall is much larger and stronger. The craftsmen and artisans have built their own village around the perimeter and they have set up multiple farming areas. The King of the East, "Black eyed Delvin" arrives with gifts. Sprock is there and asks the group to assist him on a delivery mission. After a great celebration, they head out on a massive airship. They leave the knights and squires behind, they do however commit to build their own citadel and become the temples security. Gourd names them "The bones watch". Once in the air, Wurm determines that the cargo is an unconscious Tarrasque.

Randy has his way with the captain, small explosions take out several major rope lines to the air ship balloon. Luckily it was a slow decent/crash. Once they land, they gain the help of some blue dragons that get the airship to the location. Once they get to the mountain, the side of the hill opens and levitates the airship/tarrasque into the tunnel. Then a large metal circular door appears and blocks off the opening with multiple symbols appearing around the complex lock. 

Sprock calls on some friends to get the group travel from some local Wyvrens, they decline and decide to take the travel by foot. Gourd says he smells rabbit stew in the distance. 

1 comment:

  1. First time in a long time I got on an air ship and it was glorious! Seeing the bone temple construction process was truly awe inspiring. Second air ship ride as we straight up "slow crashed" not so much fun. But I am excited to get back into the wilderness. We all need a good walk. Need to find where that rabbit stew is coming from....
